I want to share a sincere thank you to our Google developer group(GDG) leaders in Florida for their efforts in organizing the Google DevFest Florida conference. On November 11th, we had an awesome time connecting with developers on topics ranging from VR, AR trends, machine learning, and advancing the open web. I enjoyed getting to serve with other speakers and technologists who believe in giving back to their local developer community and connecting with other GDG leaders.   We especially enjoyed connecting with developers who shared that they just started their career in software development or said that DevFestFL was their first developer conference. It was cool to see that the conference attracted developers from across the country too.

Thanks to the efforts of many GDG leaders, our sponsors and Traversoft, you can check out my talk at DevFestFL in the following video.  I had a great time connecting with other local web developers and sharing the WebVR love.    Hope you enjoy the talk.  And I hope you find the following links helpful.

Production vs Staging in Life - Brandy Morgan

Sometimes your current production build (job/life) is stable and predictable. That’s good but not very exciting. You want to be part of something that you’re passionate about and truly enjoy! Use your spare time and weekends to run staging environments (side projects). Maybe this is building an innovative product or an open source project that you’re particularly passionate about. It’s the thing that you’re testing and building on the side in a safe place to eventually deploy it as your production build. Many awesome opportunities and connections are created through side projects. Let’s talk about ways to successfully build this staging environment in your life so when your ready we can deploy this side project to production!

Pragmatic Machine Learning: From Classification To Creativity - Nitya Narasimhan

By now, we’ve all heard that the industry is moving towards an “AI first” vision where machine learning powered features like computer vision and natural language processing, drive innovations like autonomous driving, speech & object recognition, smart assistants and more. But what does this mean for developers? Do we need PhD-level expertise in data science? What tools & technologies should we master? Where is it useful and why should we care? In this talk, we’ll look at machine learning through a pragmatic lens - learning what you need to get the current job done, then exploring paths you can follow to evolve those solutions as your expertise and requirements grow.

Developing iOS & Android apps with Flutter - Mike Traverso

Let’s take a look at how promising Flutter looks to be by implementing a conference app. We’ll first take a look at Dart, see its similarities & differences compared to Java. Then take a look at what it takes to write an app with one codebase for Android & iOS. Finally we’ll pull our conference data into our app using Firebase as our datasource.

Create Enterprise UIs that your users will love - Michael Prentice

It’s no longer acceptable to have Enterprise apps that only work on desktop machines. Additionally, it’s no longer OK for Enterprise web apps to be just functional on mobile. The productivity of your mobile users is key to your company’s bottom line and your employee retention. In this talk, we’ll explore how to build productive Enterprise mobile web app experiences with Angular Material and Angular Flex Layout.

Angular in the Cloud: When it’s time to get MEAN -John Papa

We can build amazing apps with Angular and Node.js. But we can level-up our skills by using great tools like VS Code and Azure services. We’ll demonstrate how to create an app with the MEAN.js stack, build it with the Angular CLI, deploy it with CI/CD and host it in the cloud. You’ll walk out know how to deploy your apps to the cloud with confidence and consistency

Building chat bots with Firebase - John Li

I built a chat bot to help customer service agents for a hackathon and a resource provider bot for the recent NASA Space Apps challenge and I found Firebase to be a great platform to leverage. In my talk, I’ll start by highlighting popular bots in social media and chatting clients. I’ll then go over the anatomy of bots for Slack and Twitter before leading into how Firebase Database and Firebase Functions can be leveraged to build a simple backend. I’ll show off some code bits from Firebase Functions to demonstrate how easy it is to create an endpoint or read/update the database. That’s the gist of it.

The Observable Future of Animations - David Khourshid

UI animations can be an incredible asset to the user experience, but the handoff between prototyping complex motion interactions to implementing them in code is not always the smoothest transition. That’s what Google’s new Material Motion library aims to solve. In this talk, we’ll discuss how thinking about animations as reactive streams of data can make even the most complex animations easy to develop, and how Material Motion is bridging the gap between motion design and development for iOS, Android, and the web.

Unfortunately, this list of talks only scratches the surface. There was so much GREAT content. Check out the rest of talks using the following tweet…

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